Saturday, January 12, 2013

Analysis Breakdown

Nick, Duffy, Katie, Miguel & I discussed the breakdown of the project this afternoon. Feel free to chime in whatever else you are interested in but this is just a general layout to start moving on each section of the project. Obviously there will be some overlap and help from everyone in some sections. Using the guidelines Tom provided us with this is what we came up with:

1. Studio Book Layout-Katie
2. Precedents - Amanda & Mary
3. Physical Site - Nick, Danielle (mining process & reclamation details)
4. Historical Site - Duffy & Miguel (geological, neighborhood/quarry & Columbia itself, fall line, railroads, flight patterns & environmental ie water flow of rivers & creeks surrounding) everyone will need to contribute with this large section
5. Site as experience - a lot of this we think will come from each individual in our notes
6. Scale Analysis - Nick (working on computer 3D model)
7. Context - Mary

Joy weren't sure what you're interested in looking into, obviously a lot of the categories are going to have mass amount of information so just let us know what you want to research.

Other categories we all need to contribute to:
-site notes
-newspaper articles regarding site
-files of area
-site plans
-housing typology

FYI duffy is having technical difficulties getting into the blog so he may be sending emails for now. Let me know if you guys think of anything we didn't cover!