Sunday, January 13, 2013

Rocky Branch

Some background information on the Rocky Branch stream that goes by our site.  This stream has created controversy in the town for a long time and is definitely something that we will need to address in our proposal.  

link: Stream routinely causes calamity

Here's an excerpt from the article:

After the water flows under Olympia Avenue, it rolls behind the old mills and for about a mile through the Granby community along the boundary of the Vulcan quarry before plopping into the Congaree River, creating a large sandbar.
That sandbar used to be a popular swimming area for Granby residents, said neighborhood advocate Bob Guild. Taking a dip there, or anywhere in Rocky Branch , wouldn't be a good idea these days.
The rain that runs into Rocky Branch rolls off roofs covered with bird manure, roads fouled by oil and yards filled with pet wastes and fertilizer. It creates a toxic stew.

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